Is it passion or are you just a workaholic?

2016-12-21T00:58:43-05:00By |High Performance, Mission|

As a high performer, you work hard. Sometimes it's difficult to discern whether you're passionate about what you are doing or if you're just addicted to work. Do you really love what you do or are you using passion to rationalize the sleep-deprived hours you spend away from friends and family? This exact question popped [...]

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Remind yourself of your why

2015-10-04T02:10:29-04:00By |Mission|

When you're executing and it's busy, it's easy to check off goal after goal but forget why you're even spending time and energy to complete them. Pause and look at your last 3 goals accomplished. Why did you complete them? How does it help you achieve your life's mission? If you don't know your life's [...]

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