10 Reasons for Walmart’s Success – Sam Walton: Made in America

2018-11-25T00:09:16-05:00By |Leadership, Mission|

Walmart's success has been undeniable and what's fantastic about Walmart's story is how its founder, Sam Walton, went from one small franchise store to the giant retail enterprise it is today. Walmart's phenomenal growth wasn't because of some secret sauce or tremendous luck, but rather it stems from a consistent application of hard work, continuous [...]

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5 Ways to Better Lead Every Aspect of Your Life

2018-11-25T00:11:10-05:00By |High Performance, Influencing Skills, Leadership, Relationships|

When we think about leadership, it's usually in a professional context. We focus on how we lead our organizations, departments, and teams but rarely put any thought into how we lead other areas of our life. How are we doing in our family life? our community? our own health and well-being? Are we leading these [...]

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When you are not sure who you are anymore …

2016-12-21T00:58:42-05:00By |High Performance, Mission|

... look at your behaviors. You thrive on feedback. That's how you got to where you are today. You actively seek out advice and insights from your mentors, great books and life experiences. Since you're open-minded and motivated to succeed in the shortest time possible, you experiment with all the different winning strategies that you come across. Some [...]

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Why Work Experience is Overrated

2016-12-21T00:58:42-05:00By |High Performance, Relationships|

"But I don't have any experience in this field." This is the most common pushback I hear from my clients when they gain more clarity on what they want in their careers and realize they were meant to do something completely different from their current job. Whether it's switching into a new career, company or industry, the [...]

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When people tell you it’s not going to work …

2017-08-23T22:49:36-04:00By |High Performance, Mission|

... or you're not cut out for it ... ... ignore them. (especially if they have not achieved success by your definition of success and if you know this is what you want to do.  If you're not sure of what you want, go here.) Now if people are telling you to quit, great news, you're [...]

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To get what you want…

2016-12-21T00:58:43-05:00By |High Performance, Leadership, Mission, Quotes|

... take action to make yourself worthy of it.   It's easy to spend time focusing on the rewards of success.  We think about what we'll do and how we'll be once we get those rewards.  Then our minds drift to those who already have the trappings of success and we dwell on and perhaps even envy their [...]

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Is it passion or are you just a workaholic?

2016-12-21T00:58:43-05:00By |High Performance, Mission|

As a high performer, you work hard. Sometimes it's difficult to discern whether you're passionate about what you are doing or if you're just addicted to work. Do you really love what you do or are you using passion to rationalize the sleep-deprived hours you spend away from friends and family? This exact question popped [...]

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