… change your focus, gain perspective and take action.

It’s hard to see others gain the successes you wish for yourself especially when you’re doing all you can and giving your best effort. Because you see and know everything that you’ve been doing, it’s natural to feel that you’re doing more than others yet not receiving the same rewards.

What you don’t see is their struggles and sacrifices to get to this point.

Because you don’t know enough about their situation to accurately benchmark yourself against them, you mistakenly compare their best results to all of your results – good and bad. Rarely will you win this lop-sided comparison.

Make life easier for yourself by:

  • Comparing “present” you to “previous” you:
    • Are you a better and more successful person today than you were last week?
      • If not, what are you going to do about it?
  • Compare comprehensively with others:
    • Look at and compare all facets of your life to all facets of the other person (for example: career, health, relationships, finances). If you still deem them more successful, imagine yourself in their shoes and ask yourself:
      • What would you have to do, give up and endure to achieve the success you see and will it be worthwhile for you?
        • If so, what’s the next step you can take right now to step into this role?
        • If this exercise is too much trouble for you to do, stop comparing.

Channel the energy of your frustration, disappointment and envy into taking action.

Photo by Jaap Joris

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