No Shortcuts to Success

2017-11-23T20:34:45-05:00By |High Performance, Mission, Quotes|

If you want to succeed, do the hard work it takes to separate you from everyone else. If you persevere, you'll eventually get there. The extra bonus is that the journey itself will help you to grow and increase your chances of success. Don't waste your time looking for a shortcut - you're only prolonging [...]

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Don’t “should” on yourself

2016-03-27T21:19:55-04:00By |High Performance, Mission|

As a high performer, you pride yourself on getting things done. With an ever-growing to-do list, your commitment to complete your tasks can make you prone to "shoulding" on yourself. "Shoulding" is the act of turning what you want to do into what you "should" do. This nuanced change in both language and outlook can hurt your ability [...]

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When making new year’s resolutions …

2016-12-21T00:58:42-05:00By |High Performance|

... don't trust your future self. When you come up with your resolutions you are your best self - motivated, optimistic and ready to run through walls to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, the day-to-day grind to bring your resolutions into reality is slightly less glorious. More likely, you'll want to put it off until the [...]

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When you’re procrastinating …

2016-12-21T00:58:44-05:00By |High Performance|

... procrastinate with another productive activity. For me, it was writing this article. For you, it may be reading this article. Procrastination powerfully pulls me - it's one of those habits that I am shamefully unable to shake. I've written, read and discussed about it. I understand the mental and material costs of procrastination, the impact [...]

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