“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”

Warren Buffet

Who do you spend your time with and how much time do you spend with them?

If you’re not sure, consider recording the time you are spending with other people for two weeks and analyze the data. How much time are you spending with people who are worse than, as good as or better than you?

Once you’re clear on the people who you interact with often along with their impact on you, make a list of all the positive behaviors you want to adopt. Then identify the individuals, living or deceased, who exude those qualities.

What might you do to increase the time you spend with those who are exuding the behavior you want to adopt?

How might you connect with these individuals?

  • What conferences or classes do they attend?
  • Are they on social media?
  • Can you connect with them through your network?

If you can’t meet in-person because they’re too busy or perhaps deceased, are there biographies you read?

Choose who you keep around you to take advantage of drifting in the direction of the company that you keep.

Photo by Christopher Michel

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